Volunteer at the Arboretum
Over the years, volunteers have kept the Arboretum open to the public. There are no paid staff. That is why we need YOU!
Our volunteers do more than just work on the grounds. Many have donated their diverse skills, from artists to arborists or lawyers to landscape designers. We have also gotten assistance from graphic designers, musicians, film producers, accountants, local garden owners, techies and more. We are interested in your help no matter what you do!
If you would like to help maintain the arboretum or envision its growth, please contact us! We have plenty of things to work on that we can share with you. If you have an idea of something you would like to contribute, tell us about it!
Here are some previous projects that people have done for the arboretum:
Working on Hiking trails
When we started, the Arboretum was an impenetrable jungle of briars, brush and vines. The first order of business was hacking hiking trails around the central swamp.

Building BRidges and the AccessiBLE Boardwalk
We built bridges across streams and wetlands and then an accessible boardwalk for visitors with impaired mobility or eyesight.

Other Types of projects
We have had assistance with our logo from designers or with our website from technically inclined volunteers. We’ve had financial assistance to keep our organization operating smoothly. We are always looking for different types of volunteers so don’t hesitate to ask if we can use your skills.
Click below to see more of our previous projects.